Monday, October 24, 2011


Not much new is going on in the Hanson household lately. Our corn was combined last week so that's great to have completed. Cooper still has not rolled from his belly to his back for me, but I suspect it might be hard to do on wood floors. Here is a hodgepodge of pictures from the last month.
Cooper ready for the cold weather with a hat that is too small.
Josie enjoying a giant pickle at the Vernon County Fair. She loved all of the animals and the Ferris Wheel, although she wouldn't go for a ride.
Josie walking in the corn field with daddy!
Josie and daddy at the Retreats Worlds Fair. Josie loved getting all the candy.
Josie playing in the Baking Soda she dumped all over the floor when mommy was busy in the other room. Atleast she was having fun:)
Cooper smiling for the camera for once!
Josie and daddy playing Wii. Can you tell who is the one that is always taking the pictures?
Cooper jumping and having fun in his jumperoo!
More big smiles from Cooper!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rolling...all the way over and Potty!!!

Well, yesterday and today Josie and Cooper got to spend some time over at our neighbor Jack and Janet's house. Luke cut hay this last weekend and it was my job to rake it up, as long as I had a babysitter. Luckily Jack and Janet love the kids and couldn't wait to spend some alone time with them. Well, I went to pick up the kids yesterday and was told that Cooper was rolling all over the place at their house. Then when I picked them up today I heard the same thing. Unfortunately I have not seen this happen myself yet. I guess he was tired of mommy seeing all of his firsts!!
Josie also decided that she wanted to pee on the potty on Tuesday. After she got up from nap she insisted on having her diaper off. So I took her diaper off and just a few minutes later she was trying to put a clean diaper back on. I went over and put the diaper on Josie and as soon as it was on she started crying like crazy. I asked her what was wrong and she told me "diaper off...pee on potty." So, I told her to take the diaper off and to sit down on the potty. Needless to say she took the diaper off and sat on the potty and a few seconds later she was standing next to the potty and pointing to it saying "pee. pee." and when I went over to look there was actually pee in it. As she is only just over 2 years old I'm not pushing the potty to hard, but I do hope that she keeps at the potty and will hopefully soon be potty trained!!!