Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Walking...with help!

Well Josie has definetely reached another milestone. All of a sudden in the last week all she wants to do is stand or walk. She really likes to walk around things. She does a great job bending over and picking things up as well. She also likes to get mad when you force her to sit down. She will then proceed to scoot over to the nearest thing that she can stand up next to. She still needs some practice getting up but she is cruising along nicely in the bumps and bruises section of childhood.
She is also still trying to recover from the never ending cold that can't seem to leave her or me alone. Luckily, Luke has been able to avoid the colds and he is over half way through getting the corn in. Then he'll get to spend a little more time with his baby girl. The plumbing business is also doing great. He already has a lot more jobs than he originally expected. Yeah!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spring time = BUSY

We'll again it has been too long since I have blogged. So just to recap here is what has happened in the last 2 weeks.
-Luke and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary, where he sent me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers to my work.
-I celebrated another birthday, where Luke sent another gorgeos bouquet of flowers to my work. I am such a lucky girl!!!
-We weeded the garden where we have potatoes, onions, radishes and peas poking up out of the ground(hopefully they don't get hurt by the frost that we are expecting tonight).
-Luke has gotten our farm almost all the way planted with both alfalfa and corn.
-We are up to 5 baby calves born, and they all came just this week! Wait... I just got to watch number 6 be born while writing.
-Luke's plumbing business is coming along great and he is getting a lot of jobs, thank goodness!
-Josie is starting to try and crawl and also starting to pull herself up onto things. Mostly she likes to crawl over mom or dad.
-Josie also is loving to talk "dadadadadada." That is what we hear throughout our days. Of course Luke loves to point out that she said dada first.

Josie is also still just doing to the army crawl to move around, although she has moved a little more towards crawling. Hopefully she starts crawling soon or she'll be walking before she crawls. We'll just have to wait and see what she does. Now this weekend we are going to celebrate Mother's Day, boy I sure am lucky, all the celebrations for me in the course of several weeks! We hope all you Mother's out there have a great day!!!