Monday, December 30, 2013

Decorating the tree and Breakfast with Santa!

This year Josie was very interested in decorating the Christmas tree.  I put the tree up and got it all set for the ornaments and then Josie took over.  Josie did most of the ornaments and Cooper helped with a few.  Every once in a while I would grab a special ornament or breakable one and put that towards the top of the tree but I think the kids did a really great job.  I couldn't get them to stand by the tree together so this is the best I got. Cooper is in the midst of potty training so don't mind his big boy undies!!

We also went to breakfast with Santa a couple of weeks ago and the kids were super excited.  Well, until we actually saw them.  Josie got brave enough to go see Santa and Mrs. Claus after we finished eating. 

Here she is telling Santa that she wanted the big stuffed pony from Tractor Supply.  Unfortunately Santa didn't bring it for her this year.  Although he did bring her a horse stable.

I think Cooper was even more excited to see Santa than Josie was, until we got there and he actually had to go talk to him.  Then he started screaming and crying.  So, we went back to our table and Cooper started crying and saying Choo, choo.  I then realized that he was mad because he didn't tell Santa what he wanted.

So, we went back up to Santa and Cooper went running up to him and told him that he wanted a Choo, choo.  Then he was happy and willing to take a good picture with Santa. 

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