Well it's summer time and the fun times have begun. Cooper had is 12 month check up at the beginning of June and I never got around to posting. This is mostly to help me remember this information but fun for everyone else to see.
Weight - 23 pounds 9 ounces (60th percentile)
Height - 29.25 inches (29th percentile)
Head circumference - 18.5 inches (67th percentile)
Hopefully he doesn't get his height from the my side of the family, he may be a very short and very stocky boy if so.
Over Memorial day weekend, Luke's aunt and uncle and kids that live in Florida came to town for a short visit. We had everyone down to the farm and the kids loved playing together and in the water. We were barely able to get the kids to sit down and take a picture. Unfortunately my picture isn't that good of everyone.
A couple of weeks ago Luke and I took the kids swimming for the first time. Josie had been swimming when she was about 11 months old, which she doesn't remember. So this was almost a brand new experience for her and it was for Cooper. We decided to take them to Bigley pool in Viroqua and the kids loved it. It took them both a little bit of time to get into the water but once they were in they loved it. I couldn't even get Josie to stand still long enough to take a picture. We really enjoyed the fact that this pool is a zero depth entrance pool so they could walk right in and choose how far in they wanted to go. Later in the week the were invited to DeGarmo's for a pool party and fireworks but because of the burn bans we weren't able to do any fireworks. The kids really enjoyed swimming at DeGarmo's. Josie even wore a life jacket so that she could swim on her own.
The kids love spending time in the kiddie pool at home as well. Especially if they can be naked in it. Normally this happens right before we are going to head into the house.
Cooper got his first tractor ride and he loved every minute of it.
Josie loves to play patty cake with Cooper!!
Josie had her first boo boo and needed a bandaid. She was very proud of her bandaid.
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