The last 2 weeks have been busy around the Hanson household. It has finally come time to finish the 3rd bedroom that is upstairs. We had only been using the 2 rooms at the front of the house and the 3rd room is where all of the extra flooring and construction materials were moved to in the rush of moving from the trailer house. Well Cooper is to the age that he needs to start putting himself to sleep so I finally said that we needed to finish the 3rd room before any other projects get started. Granted with all of the nice weather we've had I new it would be hard to knock this project out in 1 weekend and so about 2 weeks after starting we were able to move. Unfortunately I don't have after pictures yet but here are some before pics. Josie and Cooper's room will now be just Josie's room(yes, it is a very large room!). Our room will become Cooper's room and the unfinished room will become our new room.
Cooper has gotten his 3rd tooth about 1.5 weeks ago and is working on his 4th tooth now. josie is still working on her 2 year molars. Hopefully by the time she is 3 she will have them! Cooper is crawling all over the place. our house it's butt scooting and anywhere with carpet it's full on crawling. He has also figured out how to pull himself up on things. He loves standing and crawling up on the 1st stair by the steps to go upstairs.

Josie had quite the relapse on potting training so we are trying everything to get her to pee and poop on the potty. One day she was sitting on the potty attempting to poop (she doesn't like to) and she was asking to put her makeup on. So, in an attempt to get her to poop I said if she pooped she could put makeup on. Well, needless to say she did poop and here is a result of her makeup!!
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