Christmas came fast and furious for us this year. We spent Christmas Eve morning visiting Brett and Kendra and their new baby girl at the hospital. On the way home, both kids fell asleep in the car and so Luke and I took a couple of hours to feed cows while the kids slept in the truck. After feeding cows, we decided to give Cooper his first hair cut.

That evening we went to my dad's side of the families Christmas where both kids got spoiled by their Great Aunt's and Uncle's. When we got home it was time for bed so the kids got dressed and then put out cookies for Santa.
The next morning we woke up and the kids got to open their presents and play for awhile.
Next we went to my parent's house where the kids were spoiled with lots of presents.
This last week has been very crazy as Cooper got sick and was not sleeping well. Last Wednesday Cooper started to get a fever, which I just associated with teething. Well, after giving him tylenol and his fever still getting worse I had to give him ibuprofen as well. That night he would not sleep unless he was upright, so I spent part of the night in the chair with him, not getting much sleep. I took him to the clinic on Thursday figuring he had an ear infection but his ears only had clear fluid behind them. So, after another bad night I ended up back at the clinic on Friday where again, the doctor wasn't sure what he had. Finally, early Saturday morning his fever finally broke while sleeping on Luke in the recliner. Then Saturday, he broke out in a rash. I figured he had gotten Roseola, but after talking to the doctor this morning he just had a virus. The rash should disappear within 1-2 more days and he is no longer contagious. He is finally starting to feel better, now let's just hope Josie doesn't get this.
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