Cooper cut another tooth through on Sunday, so he's up to 2 teeth. He had a very rough weekend but we were up early and not much routine due to deer hunting. Cooper also hit his 6 month milestone on Sunday. He had his 6 month checkup and here are his stats:
Weight - 18lbs 13 oz - 73rd percentile
height - 26 inches - 16th percentile
Josie had another big oops last week. She fell off of her chair in a meltdown and bit her lip. She had a fat lip for several days. Luckily she didn't have to go to the doctor.
Luke shot a 10 pointer on Sunday morning. Other than that his dad was the only person to shoot anything, and that was an 11 pointer but 3 tines were broken off. Hopefully next weekend brings better luck to the hunters!!
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