Cooper had his evaluation this last Friday and was immediately accepted into the Birth to 3 program. We will have someone come out to the house every other week for the next 6 months. While they were here for the evaluation they gave us a few suggestions on how to encourage his speech and we have been working on it. They did state that it is very clear that his gross motor skills are at a 24 month olds skill level or even higher. They also stated that his fine motor skills are at about a 12 month olds skill level. We decided the first approach is to try working words into his gross motor skills.

So, this weekend we started doing this and we taught him to knock on things that he wants to get into and try and say "knock, knock" and he immediately took to this and started saying the words. That was on Saturday, but we haven't gotten him to do this since then. Granted he did come down with a nasty cold again and doesn't seem to want to do anything but cuddle. Hopefully, he'll recover quickly and jump back into learning his words.
Josie has been enjoying all the visitors that have been down to work with Cooper and has discovered that she really enjoys helping Cooper learn. Cooper really enjoys the attention that Josie gives him and wants to do everything that she does. Hopefully this will keep up and Josie will help teach Coop his words!
Ever since Christmas, and slightly before, Josie has been in love with big party dresses. Well, the other week, Josie got to spend the night with Grandma LeJeune and Grandma took her shopping to Once Upon a Child to pick out another play dress. Josie found the rack of First Communion and Flower Girl dresses and fell absolutely in love. She picked out a white dress that also came with a veil. So now, at home she insists on wearing her big white wedding dress and veil whenever possible.