Well, the last several weeks have been quite eventful. To start, Josie had her 1 year check up with the doctor and her are her stats.

Height - 2 ft 6 in - 85th percentile
Weight - 21 pounds 6 ounces - 54th percentile
Head circumference - 46 cm - 76th percentile
Next, Luke and Josie came down with the flu. Luckily, Josie only was sick for a day, but her daddy was sick for about 5 days. I thought I was going to get lucky, but unfortunately I came down with the flu the night before Josie's party. We decided to still have the party, but it had to be outside. We didn't want to take any chances of getting sick. So far, nobody has come down with the flu.
Josie got lots of great gifts and truly enjoyed her cake. Griffin got into the cake as well and helped Josie dig in. If it hadn't been so cool outside the kids probably would have had more fun with the cake. There's always next year though. Here a few pictures of her party.