Well...I can't believe the day is here but our little girl has turned 1. It's amazing to think of all the milestones that have come and gone in the last year. She is now walking like a pro. Of course, she has to carry something at all times too. She is even starting to try and run. So to recap, at age 1, she is walking, talking like crazy, and has 4 teeth. We have her 1 year appointment later this week so we'll find out then how she is doing growth wise. Her words consist of momma, dadda, hi, done, thank you, please, and it sounds like "what's this". The last one we are for sure about but every time she goes digging into her toys and pulls one out it sounds like she is saying what's this.
Last weekend her Auntie Becca came down and took her one year pictures and they turned out better than expected. We decided to take some outside around the farm. We really wanted some by the cattle, but with two bulls running around(with pinkeye, of course), we couldn't take the chance. Maybe next year. Attached are a few of our favorites so far, granted, I love them all.
On the house front, not much has changed, it's amazing how when Luke finally has some time, the weather turns nice and it becomes haying season. Oh well, the hay has to get made when the sun is shining. Our plan is still to be in before it gets cold and we have to turn the heat on.