Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well, this last Saturday night we were invited over to Ron and Betty DeGarmo's, with the Garvalia's, of course. We had a wonderfully warm evening and got to spend some time in their very nice pool. This was the first time that Josie got to experience a real pool. I mean she has a little kiddie pool that she can splash around in but at DeGarmo's, she really got the full swimming experience. And she LOVED it. Here are a few pictures of her in the pool.

Here she is sitting on the edge of the pool, feeling the water with her toes.

She seemed to like the water.

She seems to think this swimming thing is pretty nice.

She's watching the Garvalia boys, thinking she should stay away from there splashing.

Here are a few pictures of her in her pool here at home.

Butch also got in on the action, he thought Josie's pool was a good place to get a drink. Josie didn't seem to think that Butch should be drinking from her pool. So, she splashed him.

Josie has also now started to climb up on anything she can.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

9 Months Old

Well, we have hit the 9 month milestone. Josie seems to be doing excellent. She had her 9 month well baby check up earlier this week and she weighed in at 20 pounds 2 ounces and measured just shy of 28 inches long. She is still falling into the 50-75th percentile range. She is slowing down in her weight gain but she has become a very active little girl. Here she is showing how active she is both crawling and standing up, walking along things.

Needless to say she loses her pants easily.
And when you play hard, you crash hard too. Doesn't take much to relax and fall asleep when Daddy is holding you.
Here she is showing how much she likes to eat. One of her favorite foods is spaghetti.

This last weekend she was able to enjoy playing all day with her cousins Griffin and Finley. Here is a great picture of her and Griffin. I think Griffin is trying to show Josie how to drive.

Here they are several weeks ago and Griffin is pushing Josie around in his new toy. They were having a blast.

I hope those of you reading this enjoy. I keep asking myself if I should keep posting, any thoughts?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bye, bye Bottles

Well, as many of you know, Josie has decided that she no longer wants the bottle. She will go all day without drinking anything but water. Atleast she is eating table food, like it may disappear any minute. We have tried every trick that people have suggested to us. Even the doctor doesn't know what to think of Josie not taking the bottle. One good thing is that Josie still nurses morning and night. We were just starting to wean her to formula when this bye, bye bottle started. We do think that she is starting to get some more teeth, so hopefully they poke through soon and she will start on the bottle again. She has started drinking some whole milk now, only several ounces per day, as we don't want her to have too much too soon. With all of this going on, I also came down with Mastitis earlier this week. I know have a new found pain, that I hope to never have to experience again. It was a good thing that we recognized the symptoms fairly quickly and went in to the doctor right away. Thank goodness for good drugs!

Luke also got his brand new discbine last week and was busy all weekend with hay. We are also up to 25 calves born, but unfortunately we lost 1 calf due to the heat. We still have 3 more cows that have not had calves, but we have have another month to go.

Our garden is doing wonderfully. We've even had to pick all of our radishes already. And yes I did try them, although I didn't really care for them.

Josie is still walking along everything and climbing off of her toys. Almost every morning we find her standing in her crib waiting for someone to get her out. She is such a joy and we are so very lucky to have such a wonderful little girl that is always so happy.