Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well, our little girl has figured out how to get more mobile. She is now scooting around everywhere. We like to put toys directly in front of her so that she has to scoot towards them, I know we are such mean parents. About a week ago Josie started pushing herself around the room but in the last few days she started to really make tracks. She also gets up on her hands and knees but hasn't figured out what to do from there. Well see how long it takes now that she's moving so well. I guess we better start baby proofing the house a little bit more.

Today we took her outside and she got to explore the grass for one of the first times. She was in a skirt so she got to feel the grass on her legs. She seemed to like sitting on the ground, kicking her legs like crazy, but she didn't like laying in the grass. I think we'll have to just keep trying it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Toys...for both Josie, Mommy and Daddy

Sophie the Giraffe has become an important fixture in our home in the last several days. Sophie is a teething toy that Great Grandma Graff bought for Josie when we were visiting the store Cutie Patootie, downtown LaCrosse. I saw the Sophie and pulled her out of the box to show Josie and Josie grabbed it right away and tried to stick it in her mouth. So, Great Grandma felt Josie needed Sophie. Needless to say, while I was at my cousin Shayla's baby shower Josie stayed at Great Grandma's and kept close tabs on her new toy. Uncle John and Aunt Becca came to visit while I was at the shower and Josie didn't want to let Sophie go. She even fell asleep holding the toy. Sophie also had to go to daycare with Josie on Monday. Luckily, we made it out of the house without Sophie on both Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday afternoon we got some new calves on the farm. We purchased 23 holstein calves from a neighbor. We will keep them in the shed for the next month or so and then when our back pasture is ready they will go back there. They are some nice looking calves and they are very friendly. Even Josie enjoyed going up to the shed and looking at them.

Lucas finally broke down and ordered a new Discbine(not sure if I spelled this right) from John Deere. He's quite excited as this is his first big brand new farm purchase. We can't wait to get it on the farm and use it for the first time.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

6 Month Appointment and more...

Josie had her 6 month checkup last Tuesday. She weighed 18 pounds 4 ounces and was over 26 inches long. She is a very big girl. The doctor was surprised that she was sitting on her own as well as drinking from a sippy cup already. The doctor also suggested that we start giving her small pieces of food, such as bread, peas and more. We have actually tried bread and small pieces of apple and she loves it. It also looks like her gums are very swollen and more teeth coming.
This last week has been very busy for us. On Monday, Grandma and Grandpa LeJeune came down to visit and brought dinner. Then Tuesday was Josie's doctor's appointment. On Friday we went to great Grandma and Grandpa Graffs for a going away dinner for Crystal and Lucy. Lucy had a great time showing Josie the toys. On Saturday night we had Grandma and Grandpa Hanson down for dinner. Josie got lots of attention then. Today we spent several hours outside playing with Butch and checking out our garden area. Luke has big plans for the garden but since neither of us have ever done a garden before this could be interesting. I have to keep reminding him that we need to start small.
Hopefully this next week won't be nearly as busy.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finally,...a tooth

So, we woke up Saturday morning to find a nice addition to Josie's mouth. She got her first tooth. After several nights of multiple nuk placements, Josie had a good night to sleep last night. I'm guessing her gums were bothering her. Luckily she was hardly bothered by the tooth. Although she hasn't wanted to drink hardly anything yesterday, she is still happy as can be. Hopefully all of her teeth come in with ease. Not that this was easy by any means, but no sleepless nights.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So this last weekend Josie had her 6 month pictures taken. Of course they turned out wonderfully. She was so good that she was in and out in just a few minutes. Too bad they were running over 30 minutes behind on taking the pictures and then the sales associates were running behind too. Luckily we all survived. Thank goodness Grandma LeJeune came with to keep Josie entertained. I had too many good pictures to choose from. Then we decided to give Josie a haircut, well actually just a trim. You can't even tell that we cut her hair.

Then on Sunday we had Aunt Casey's birthday party. Afterwords we went to Uncle Brett and Aunt Kendra's house so Josie and Griffin could play together, Finley's still to small to play. Here is a great picture of Josie and Griffin playing together. Griffin was showing Josie his tractor.