It's amazing the many things that the internet brings us. For me, I'm just a mom that has decided to create a blog for the many family members that don't get to see our sweet, beautiful daughter often enough. Josie is 5 and a half months old now and getting so big. She has figured out how to roll to get to things. The other night she found herself playing in her Uncle John's video games that we have on the floor in front of the tv. She came rolling across the floor staring at the bright green cases. She has an amazing sense of control in her movements. She has even figured out how to scoot to change the direction of her roll.
Currently I'm sitting in the living room writing this post staring at her and her daddy rocking in the recliner. She's fighting sleep, needless to say. She is generally in bed by about 8:30 every night and sleeps until around 5am, yes I know I'm quite spoiled.
Now please keep in mind that I am definetely not much of a writer so the posts may get interesting. Hopefully this will bring joy to everyone.
Here is a picture of Josie Ann the day that we brought her home from the hospital.

Here she is surrounded by her many Christmas presents on the LeJeune side.

And here she is having cereal for one of the first times. Boy oh boy was she messy at first.

That's all for now.