Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Another Ultrasound
Josie is doing great. She is teething like crazy, as she still only has 5 teeth. So a lot more for her to get. She is starting to run all around the house. Her newest thing is that she loves to spin. She has made it up to 3 full rotations before she falls like a log.
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Josie enjoyed trick or treating, except the part about wearing a costume. She wasn't so sure about the Hunny Pot costume. Hopefully next year she will enjoy it a little bit more.
I received a call from my Family Medicine/OB doctor, Dr. Lerberg. She was calling about the ultrasound that we had done last week. She confirmed that everything looked good and she moved up my due date to May 15. Yeah, I am officially in my second trimester!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Bad Blogger...Lately!
We took Josie to the Vernon County Fair and she absolutely loved it this year. She walked around almost the whole time. She really loved the Dairy cow barn. She is fascinated by cows. We also took her to the Retreat's Worlds Fair and she had a blast.
In the midst of moving to the big house, Josie came down with an ear infection and an eye infection. So Luke had to stay home part of the day with her and then I had to come home from work. Luke got all of the combining of corn completed which was a huge relief to have completed.
And lastly, we are going to have another baby. According to an ultrasound that we had this last week, I am due May 23. Everything looked good with baby and the heartbeat was 160. We are so excited to be expecting another baby and providing Josie with a play mate.
Also, Happy Halloween to everyone. Josie is going to be Hunny Pot from Winnie the Pooh. I'll post pictures later as she is currently taking a nap and hasn't had the costume on yet today.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Birthday Parties and... the Flu
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Birthday Girl
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
On another front, she doesn't seem to like bedtime anymore. She has to cry it out for a few minutes. Maybe that's because she's still trying to prove to mom how much she misses her. She is now fully weaned and doing well.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Steps and Construction
Old header from the kitchen to the living room
Chimney will come out and entry to the steps will be through the living room
Old living room
New living room
Upstairs landing
Bedroom #1
Bedroom #2
Bedroom #3
Chimney coming down
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
She's watching the Garvalia boys, thinking she should stay away from there splashing.
Here are a few pictures of her in her pool here at home.
Josie has also now started to climb up on anything she can.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
9 Months Old
Needless to say she loses her pants easily.
I hope those of you reading this enjoy. I keep asking myself if I should keep posting, any thoughts?
Friday, June 4, 2010
Bye, bye Bottles
Luke also got his brand new discbine last week and was busy all weekend with hay. We are also up to 25 calves born, but unfortunately we lost 1 calf due to the heat. We still have 3 more cows that have not had calves, but we have have another month to go.
Our garden is doing wonderfully. We've even had to pick all of our radishes already. And yes I did try them, although I didn't really care for them.
Josie is still walking along everything and climbing off of her toys. Almost every morning we find her standing in her crib waiting for someone to get her out. She is such a joy and we are so very lucky to have such a wonderful little girl that is always so happy.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Walking...with help!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Spring time = BUSY
-Luke and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary, where he sent me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers to my work.
-I celebrated another birthday, where Luke sent another gorgeos bouquet of flowers to my work. I am such a lucky girl!!!
-We weeded the garden where we have potatoes, onions, radishes and peas poking up out of the ground(hopefully they don't get hurt by the frost that we are expecting tonight).
-Luke has gotten our farm almost all the way planted with both alfalfa and corn.
-We are up to 5 baby calves born, and they all came just this week! Wait... I just got to watch number 6 be born while writing.
-Luke's plumbing business is coming along great and he is getting a lot of jobs, thank goodness!
-Josie is starting to try and crawl and also starting to pull herself up onto things. Mostly she likes to crawl over mom or dad.
-Josie also is loving to talk "dadadadadada." That is what we hear throughout our days. Of course Luke loves to point out that she said dada first.
Josie is also still just doing to the army crawl to move around, although she has moved a little more towards crawling. Hopefully she starts crawling soon or she'll be walking before she crawls. We'll just have to wait and see what she does. Now this weekend we are going to celebrate Mother's Day, boy I sure am lucky, all the celebrations for me in the course of several weeks! We hope all you Mother's out there have a great day!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Last Several Weeks
Josie has also become a real pro at the army crawl. She has found that she can get into places that she's never been before. She found that she doesn't have to be in her bouncer to have fun with it. Being underneath can be just as fun.
Overall, we have had a very busy few weeks. Hopefully everything slows down a bit.
Let's not forget to wish Grandma LeJeune a Happy Birthday!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Now a picture of Josie, butch and her Easter basket.
Then we went to Great Grandma and Grandpa Graff's were she had presents from several people. She had presents from Great Grandma and Grandpa Graff, Grandma and Grandpa LeJeune and Aunt Kim and Uncle BJ. She had lots of fun opening these gifts and then playing with them.
If only she knew that this would only be a tast of the swinging that she would get to do at cousin Jason and Tracy's, on the LeJeune side.
She also enjoyed a small swing with Jason and Tracy's girls, Cadie and Alyssa.
Overall, this Easter was great! We hope everyone else had a good Easter.